Unleash Your Imagination: Uncovering Duppies in Honeysuckle and Bone

Unleash Your Imagination: Uncovering Duppies in Honeysuckle and Bone

With the Writer Spotlight Series, we create a positive image for young girls to refer to by having conversations with different writers and illustrators. This month we have been doing Q&As with many writers, to get to know more about them and their work. Here, we are showcasing all the questions we have asked author Trisha Tobias. We discuss her new book, Honeysuckle and Bone.

Welcome Trisha. Tell us about yourself.

Hi! I’m Trisha. I’m a developmental editor and—now—a published author. Honeysuckle and Bone is my debut novel, following a young Jamaican American girl who escapes to Jamaica to work a nanny job, only to discover that her dark past might have followed her to the island in the form of a duppy.

I’m a big fan of K-pop, tarot, and narrative-heavy video games. And yes, I really want to know everyone’s astrological placements.

Honeysuckle & Bone describes elements of Jamaican folklore, such as duppies (spirits), into its narrative. To authentically represent these cultural aspects, what research did you undertake, and what is their role in the story?

The research had a couple of prongs. First, I asked my mother, like, too many questions. She was born and raised in Jamaica, and then told me various duppy stories as she raised me. So writing Honeysuckle and Bone, I queried her further about her personal experiences with ghosts, as well as anything that was part of the broader culture (like the Rollin’ Calf, for example).

Second, I combined her individual narratives with plenty of online research. I’m talking blog posts, YouTube videos, a few educational papers and excerpts from books about Jamaican folklore. There’s plenty of variation in Jamaican mythology, and this sometimes made the research frustrating, because of course, I wanted to get things “right.” But in the end, the diversity is a testament to the folkloric richness that has developed over so many centuries.

In a guest post, you discussed the importance of featuring "messy" protagonists in young adult fiction. What motivated you to create a complex character like Carina, and how do you hope readers will connect with her imperfections?

Haven’t we all done things we regret? Perhaps not to the same level as Carina, but still. I love stories that dive deep into that aspect of the human experience: the darker side, the part of us that is harder to look at, let alone accept fully. I fear we’re living in a time when we’re not encouraged to own those facets of our personhood. So creating Carina was important to me because encouraging people to embrace all of who they are is important.

I hope readers can connect with Carina as a figure of redemption. I know some readers find her hard to stomach, and I don’t blame them. Carina finds herself hard to stomach, too. But her story is one of self-ownership and acceptance—and then carrying all of that forward. Not perfectly. But with intention. Carina carries my big message to the world: you are more than your biggest mistake.

The portrayal of Jamaica in the novel is both lush and haunting. How did you balance the island's natural beauty with the eerie elements essential to a gothic ghost story?

This was an intriguing challenge, and part of what drew me to this idea. But it was a challenge, nonetheless. How do you create a sense of unease in a tropical setting? How do you create fear while the sun shines? Ultimately, I had to both lean into and out of certain common associations to create that tension. When Carina first arrives in Jamaica, she’s loving that version of Jamaica that many of us have seen online or in movies: fresh fruit, ocean breezes, the warming sun rays.

We set that up early on so that we can subvert it. And we subvert it by bringing attention to all the ways the environment fails to account for the very real inner turmoil Carina begins to experience at Blackbead House. Carina’s ordeal, which is fully at odds with what everyone else is seeing, offsets every beautiful moment or gorgeous setting. It’s a bit like the setting entraps her. Everything seems so bright; meanwhile, she’s losing her mind.

And, of course, there was also the matter of just genuinely trying to make what’s beautiful seem more frightening. The honeysuckle is a good example of this. A lovely bloom, for sure. But Carina’s story makes honeysuckle take on a new, darker meaning. It becomes a symbol both of Carina’s guilt and a warning that when she catches its scent, something dreadful is about to happen.

The story offers nuanced insights into social, economic, and supernatural forms of power. What inspired you to explore these themes, and what message do you hope to convey about privilege and its costs?

For one, the setup of the story felt like it necessitated some delving into the many ways power can manifest. How do you tell a tale focused on “the help” without addressing those who employ them? How do you engage in a conversation about wealth without explaining from where it came and for what it is used?

But personally, the question of leverage and privilege matters to me as a Black American woman. My identity alone can dictate how much power I’m “allowed” to have day-to-day in this country. I imagine a scale where different aspects of who I am can nudge me up or down the ladder of influence. That thought opened the door for wanting to explore the different ways power can exist and the different people who can hold the different kinds.

I don’t know that Carina has the same view I do, but I hope to convey the idea that privileges aren’t inherently bad. We all have different advantages. And yes, they could corrupt us if we aren’t mindful. But really, it’s up to each of us to find ways to use those privileges positively. If someone possesses wealth, what do they do with that wealth to uplift others? How might men create more equitable environments for marginalized genders? Are there ways for people to use white privilege, ability privilege, educational privilege, beauty privilege—for good?

Following the release of Honeysuckle and Bone, are there any upcoming projects or themes you are excited to explore in your future writing?

I’m currently working on Book 2 and thinking about what Book 3 might be, and I’m surprised to find some of the same themes found in Honeysuckle and Bone reappearing: power, privilege, exclusivity, luxury, self-discovery.

Quick fire round

One word to describe your writing style?

Favourite writing snack?
Goldfish crackers.

What is the last book you read?
Currently reading Their Vicious Games by Joelle Wellington


About the author
Trisha Tobias is the author of her young adult debut Honeysuckle and Bone. She is a 2019-2021 Highlights Foundation Diversity Fellow and a recipient of the 2018 Walter Dean Myers Grant. She has also volunteered as a 2018 Pitch Wars mentor. Trisha holds a BA in Media and Communication Studies from Fordham University. Trisha is based in North Carolina.

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